Get off on the right foot in your marriage by implementing these tips for preparing for marriage right away. Getting ready for marriage doesn’t have to be overwhelming! We have so many successful marriage tips all in one place. Planning for your wedding takes time and effort but so should be planning for your marriage! So many couples put all their efforts into the wedding day and little thought about preparing for marriage. With some planning and effort, you can start your marriage off with a strong foundation, and here are some ways to do that! Consider this a mini marriage preparation course!


This weekend I helped my brother propose to his girlfriend. We spent hours brainstorming the ways to make the moment special and making all the arrangements. When the big day arrived, everyone involved was so nervous that everything would go as planned, but most of all we were so excited! I hid around the corner ready to capture every moment on camera as my brother waited on bended knee for her to arrive. It was exhilarating and it was perfect. Everything in his well-planned proposal went according to plan and she said “Yes!”

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